Dayna's Blog

Holidays, walks and who knows what


Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries exhibition, Rippon Lea Estate, VIC – 24 Nov 2013

Did you know that not only has the Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries exhibition at Rippon Lea Estate been extended to 1 December 2013 (due to popular demand) but also that photography is now permitted?!

Well, WE didn’t! At least, not until we looked it up today (for the first part) and not until we arrived there (for the second part)!!

To explain, my younger sister and her fiancé are visiting from interstate for the weekend and, having seen my previous post on Rippon Lea and being a Miss Fisher fan, asked if we could visit Rippon Lea today.

Had I but known photography was now allowed we would definitely have taken proper cameras – instead, these are pics from Stephen and my iPhones. Apologies for the quality, but I hope you enjoy them all the same if you are unable to attend the exhibition for yourself.

: )