Dayna's Blog

Holidays, walks and who knows what

When is the best time of year to visit Tasmania?

If you’re thinking of visiting Tasmania, the good news is that there’s a reason to visit in every season!


Summer is the most popular season. I assume this is because most people want to either:

a) see the yachts competing in the Sydney to Hobart arrive at Constitution Dock and, while they’re there, attend the Taste Tasmania festival
b) swim at one of Tassie’s gorgeous beaches
c) see the lavender in bloom near Scottsdale
d) buy fresh summer fruits at farm gates around the state
e) all of the above

Of course, there may be a few other factors…

f) most people fly in and don’t want their luggage allowance taken up by winter clothes
g) people from the northern states of Australia are afraid of the cold &/or wearing more layers than just jeans and a jumper
h) they’ve heard that the Tasmanian economy needs a boost and thus are happy to visit during peak season

Keep in mind that to visit over the Christmas-New Year / School holiday period, you will need to book well in advance.

Also remember that even though it’s summer, it won’t be hot like it is on the mainland. You should pack something warm for evenings.

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This is the beautiful time of year when it’s starting to get properly cold (so pack winter gear) and the leaves of Australia’s only native winter-deciduous tree, Deciduous Beech (Nothofagus gunnii) – aka ‘fagus’ – will change colour.

To see this you will have to venture to the central highlands (‘Cradle Country’) or around Lake Fenton in Mt Field National Park.

If you don’t mind a bit of snow, you may be lucky to see some falling in the high country. Of course, there’s always a chance of snow falling on top of Mt Wellington in Hobart, no matter what season it is!

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Relaxing in front of a fire, glass or cup of something comforting in hand, snow flakes falling outside (if you’re lucky!) – that’s the Tassie winter holiday I dream about.

Winter is also the most budget-friendly time to visit Tasmania. If you don’t mind donning an extra layer (or two) of clothes, then you won’t have to worry about crowds or queues – or possibly even booking ahead.

In fact, some things you’re probably better to leave booking until a week or two out to get the best deal (accommodation, travel, tours etc). While you might think this strategy is a bit of a gamble, it can pay off if you’re flexible.

We have visited Cradle Mountain – Lake Saint Clair National Park in Winter in the MINI without using chains. The roads are kept clear and there are no signs saying chains are a requirement. However, black ice does form on the roads and paths so if you’re not used to driving in these conditions you may be better advised to catch the Parks Tasmania bus into Dove Lake. It’s a bit of a pain, but you won’t risk having an accident in the Park…

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The season of flowers and new growth!

The tulips at Wynyard and Table Cape are well-known. However, we thought there would be more – fields and fields full of colour as we followed the Bass Highway along the north shore of the island. But we didn’t see any until we reached the town of Wynyard itself. If you want beautiful displays of flowers, your better bet is to head to the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hobart or City Park in Launceston.

We’ve been in October – late spring – and have seen moderate to large amounts of snow still on the ground in the high country. It’s not likely that you’ll see snow on the ground elsewhere (Mt Wellington disclaimer). Wildflowers in the alpine areas are more prevalent from early summer.

14 thoughts on “When is the best time of year to visit Tasmania?

  1. Nice post. Something for everyone for every season. I try to time my visits to Tassie around February/March as that’s when the weather for walking in the South West region seems to be most stable. Can still get some wild weather then but the nice days seem to outnumber the bad ones.

    • Thanks for checking put my Tassie pages! I believe the island state has something to offer everyone – so no readon mot to visit!
      We’re planning a summer holiday next, based around Hobart. Can’t wait! 😊

  2. Pingback: Tassie Summer Holiday 2014-15 | Dayna's Blog

  3. Thank you for your response. Wanting to visit Tasmania but not having any idea what to do whilst there your answer has given me so much to think about. Can’t wait to go.

  4. Hey Dayna,

    I hope we didn’t choose the wrong time to be in Tassie. Mind you, this week has been warmer than last week, though I heard a cold front is moving in on Thursday. We just love Tassie, it is so beautiful, and at the end of the day, that extra layer of clothing will be on. Being Queenslanders we are finding Autumn cold enough. I hope it doesn’t get too much colder before we leave, but I know that’s wishful thinking.

    I love your photo of the Royal Botanic Gardens.


    • Hi Clare,
      An extra layer won’t hurt! Or maybe refuse to leave a really cozy log fire?
      There’s no bad time to visit Tassie, as long as you’ve brought the right clothes. Glad to hear you’re loving it. Your blackberry crumble looked downright delicious!
      😊 Dayna

  5. We were just talking about Tasmania and discovered it is a place both of us want to visit sometime so looking forward to following your blog and learning more about the region.

    • Thank you for visiting my Tasmania pages then!
      I haven’t finished writing up posts from our summer holiday, and what’s more, we’re going back for a winter holiday so I’ll have even more in a few months to add to the blog. Numerous factors have slowed the posts lately, but I’d much rather be slow and post something I’m satisfied with than rush something and cringe because I doubt I’ll ever get around to fixing it up.
      I also plan to keep updating my pages…!
      Mildly Extreme Jane ( and Twitter: @bikehikecamp) referred me to your blog. I’ve done some traveling around NZ (before & with Stephen) but not that much hiking on the grand scheme of things. A return trip is always on the cards. Looking forward to reading more of your posts, too. 😊

      • Thanks for following our blog Dayna – we can help each other out as we also love Melbourne – and Queensland – go the Maroons! so I know we’ll find your blog very useful for things to see and do when we’re next in Australia.

      • Ah! I have a Brisbane post half done too! We were visiting family over Easter. I just have to add in photos. I’m being let down by technology at present. It’s making my life harder, not easier as it’s meant to (it is meant to, isn’t it?). In any case, I look forward to reading about other people’s experiences of places I know. There’s so much to enjoy as we explore. 🙂

      • yes technology often lets me down in getting blogs out – but it is my human technology usually lol

  6. Hey Dayna- Nice post! It is very helpful:) My husband and I, we’re planning to visit Tasmania for the first time this coming May. Do you think is it the good time to visit? or it will be freezing that time:) If you could also give me some recommendation what to do in Tasmania that would be much appreciated.:) Thank you!

    • Hi Shielah,
      Thanks for your comment.
      I hope you’re not surprised when I say anytime is a great time to visit Tassie! But if you’re not a fan of cold weather, you might want to make sure you take some warm layers with you!
      See that photo of me standing atop an ice-covered Mt Wellington? That was taken in July, but the mountain can get a sprinkling of snow pretty much all year ‘round (it just may not last very long in summer).
      As for what to do? Don’t try to do too much. I’d definitely recommend picking one place or region and concentrating on that. Whether that’s Hobart and surrounds (Huon Valley, Port Arthur, Bruny Is), Launceston and the Tamar Valley, the east coast (Maria Is, Freycinet, Bicheno), the North West (Bernie to Stanley), the Tarkine, the Western Tiers (Sheffield to Deloraine), Cradle Mountain, or the west coast (Strahan)…. honestly, there is SO much to explore.
      I’ve tried to make a summary on my other pages of what we’ve done in each region. I admit I haven’t updated it in a while. The amount of information and number of photos has got the better of me.
      What you choose will depend what your interests are; why not visit the official Tasmanian tourism website ( and see what leaps out at you. It’ll also have up to date info on festivals and other programs you may be interested in. 😊

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